
Benefits of Pom-pom Drawing for Kids

Parents’ concern for the mental growth of their kids comes with the territory. Many a time, some children show signs of a slower mental development and some are unreceptive to the traditional methods of learning as it exists today. But it needn’t be so. Instead of subjecting a child to forced knowledge, how about using creative means to build a life-long yearning for learning?

One of such creative activity is Pom-pom drawing. Pom-pom drawing is simply the use of pom poms to create organized patterns or shapes. It is an activity that is guaranteed to feed the mind of your kids and help them crave learning. And of course, they will be having fun while they’re at it.

The use of pom-pom drawing is an effective mind feeding strategy and it will help to set your child on the part to creative and intellectual success. It is one of the better ways to introduce your kid to the world of arts and crafts, encouraging them to dabble into 3d sketching. And on the plus side, pom pom drawing is neat and organized so you can abandon all fears of having to clean up a huge mess after your child is done.

How To Draw With Pom-poms

Pom-pom drawing is simple. What you will need is a blank white canvas, mild glue, a pencil, and of course, pom-poms.

You can draw any shape on the white canvas, advisably something your child loves. Next, ask them to pour dabs of the glue on the drawing (or you can do it yourself if your kid is too little to handle the glue). Finally, ask them to place the pom poms on the drawing. You can buy pom poms of different colors and sizes and let them be creative with the colors and sizes of their choice. Then watch the outcome, and endeavor to give them feedback.

Benefits of Pom-pom Drawing For Children

1. Builds Fine Motor Skills

Fine motor skills refers to the ability to use the small muscles, such as those present in the hands and wrists of little children, to make movements. These fine motor skills are required by kids to perform school-related activities like holding and using pencils, toys, scissors, and more.

Teaching your kid to hold the pom-pom, or better still, pinch it, is an excellent fine motor activity. Picking up the pom poms and placing them on the right marks is also great for refining your kid’s hand-eye coordination.

2. Creates a Love For Learning

Pom-pom drawing is a way to get your child to learn without them feeling like they’re learning. Presenting it as a fun activity while simultaneously making them aware that they are being taught will make them look forward to the next class or session.

3. Boosts Creativity

Introducing your kid to arts and crafts is one of the best ways to encourage creativity. What this does is that it helps to feed the mind of your kid and lays a foundation for building important life skills, like problem solving, and non-verbal communication skills. These are things they can hardly learn or develop from being taught the tradition way especially at the adolescent stage.

Benefits of Pom-pom Drawing for Kids
Benefits of Pom-pom Drawing for Kids
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